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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Shortly after returning from California my sister and her husband arrived for a week long visit, and we were busy every single day! The first day of their visit, we went to Cannon Beach, one of our favorite spots, and stopped at Astoria en route. (Have you read Astoria by by Peter Stark? It's a great read and has lots of history about the Pacific Northwest.)

While Jane and Ted climbed the 100+ steps to the top of the column, we enjoyed the view and spotted this guy floating toward the Astoria Bridge.

Then we stopped at the beach at Fort Stevens State Park to see the wreck of the Peter Iredale, a ship that ran aground there in 1906. We were lucky to even catch the Ranger's talk!

As you can see, the weather's predictably cool on these beaches.  It was cold and windy at Haystack Rock, too.

Dick even caught a photo of a puffin flying back to its nest on the rock!  Can you see it on the right?

This past Monday we drove up to Mount Baker which is close to the Washington/Canada border.  This time we were able to make it to the end of the road, and it was HOT despite the snow everywhere!

Back home the birds and flowers were very happy in the heat.

With all the car-time, I also managed to finish this project for a certain Little Miss's fifth birthday which is coming right up. Now to think up something else for another August birthday girl......  

Our guests are back home as we head into August.  How did July disappear so quickly?  

PS  On these recent clear nights we've been watching the International Space Station.  You can see the ISS also by entering in your location to find the viewing times where you live!  It's fun, and you don't even need binoculars. (I have a hard time remembering that it's as big as a football field and moving at 18,000 mph!)


Tired Teacher said...

I've only visited Oregon beaches two times, but on both visits it was cold and windy. The views were worth the chill though. Astoria is a beautiful area! Nice photo of the eagle.

Araignee said...

How beautiful! I have never been that far west and now you've made me want to pick up and go!

Betsy said...

It’s been a couple of years since we at the Oregon Coast. We had planned to spend a week there in September but my back isn’t good enough right now to ride in the car such a long distance. Your pictures are beautiful and that’s a beautiful sweater. :-)

Anonymous said...

Is that all that is left of the ship? Wow! What an amazing thing to be able to see up close.

karen said...

you live in a beautiful area! how nice to have family visiting and going out and about with them. I did not know about the ISS at all...where have I been?

Meredith said...

Your visit sounds wonderful Judy, so many terrific places to visit near you. Enjoy August.

Rian said...

Thanks for the link to the ISS. I am very interested to check that out. Have you noticed Mars hanging low and bright in the southern sky? Mars is very close to Earth right now, the closest in 15 years, so go out and see it.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Looks like you had a great day and a wonderful place to visit. These are some great photos. Thanks for the share, have a fantastic rest of your week. Keep up the posts.
World of Animals

Susan said...

How do you ever know how to dress in the morning? LOL Wonderful week with your sister, judging by the fun photos. Love the little sweater, so cute! Thanks for the ISS link. It's been so cloudy here so often, I haven't even looked, but I should. I hope August is a little slower, and a great month for you - another school year rolls around ... but not for us! Ha, ha, ha!

kathy b said...

I LOVE watching the space station go over my house. I wave at the astronauts ...dont you?
Sweater finish adorbs!
Love the trip photos.
Love your flowers too.
Our bird feeders were empty after 5 days in Oklahoma. Luckily the hummy food never ran out.
They are all back now eating up the thistle and the black sunflower seeds :). I love my birds outside

kathy b said...

Zach and I were driving together yesterday and CREATION was in the cd drive. I got to tell him all about you and your amazing choir. He was impressed!