My Blog List

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Here's What We've Been Up To Lately and Three Finishes!

Two hats from the same yarn, but two different patterns and sizes. It's interesting to see how the stripes are similar but different. The top hat is a child size and the bottom one fits me.

Yet another dishcloth when I realized I didn't follow the pattern correctly.

This critter was lounging in our backyard when we got home from the grocery store recently.

Not too long ago we took a nice walk near Port Angeles. We only did a small part of the trail because it extends from Port Townsend to La Push and covers 130 miles!

The trail was constructed on what was once railroad tracks.

This little plant has an interesting story.  It's called Miner's Lettuce and was eaten by miners to prevent scurvy.

Can you see the surfer? He was fetching his board. You can also see lots of logs washed up on the shores of the ocean in this part of the trail.

Just last Monday we drove to Leavenworth, WA, where we saw two carriages like this carrying tourists. We also walked a bit on a trail to Blackbird Island on the Wenatchee River. 

These trilliums are in our yard and were rescued long ago when the road behind our house was built. That road now is heavily used despite the deer and rabbits.

And here's why you haven't heard from me lately! We have been doing stuff in the house and yard. Now we are watering our new lawn until it gets established. Fortunately we've been helped by frequent rain.


Hope you've had a very nice April! How can it already be May tomorrow?

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Dishcloths for My Fellow Quilters and More Signs of Spring Nearby.

I was wrong! That wasn't my last dishcloth because I forgot to show this one


I also forgot to share this one.

I just finished this one today when I crocheted the border.  

The tan one was left over from the last giveaway, so you've already seen it. These will go to the quilt group. The 5 of us left before COVID finally got together again recently, and we are supposed to meet on Monday and will celebrate with another dishcloth drawing!

The other day the skies were blue, so we ran a errand and saw these daffodils. There sure were a lot of them, right?

Yesterday we took a walk in our nearby canyon and saw some skunk cabbage blooming

as well as some trilliums. This one was close enough to the trail to photograph,

and Squibbs Creek, next to the trail, was full of water and bubbling happily. So glad we walked yesterday because it's raining again right now. Hope it quits soon because it's not fun to walk in the rain!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Oops, One More Dishcloth, and Lots of Signs of Spring!

 Our daughter requested this one, and I thought the yarn looked like Easter colors. Do you agree? (The earlier ones were given out at our last book club meeting as a surprise.)

Our yard has lots of Spring flowers!

Lots of Camelias

False Aralia

Cherry blossoms everywhere!

Even this deer was out, probably looking for snacks.  Dick saw it on a recent walk.

Do you recognize this flower? It's on our Crown of Thorns houseplant which bloomed just before Easter.

Well, that's about it. Hope those of you that celebrate Easter had a nice one!