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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hurrah, the Camera Is Back Home! (Photo Heavy)

This afternoon a FedEx truck stopped here and delivered our camera! It had been accidentally left in a restaurant in the Denver airport on our way back home on July 21. We found out the next day that the restaurant had it, but we'd just about given up hope of ever seeing it again. We don't really know why they took so long to return it but just are very glad it's home.  We had so many photos on it that we just hated to lose.

When we left home, terrible fires were burning in Eastern Washington, and our plane flew right over the smoke cloud. After our plane landed in Denver, we headed north to Fort Collins and the Loopy Ewe . Unfortunately, we left our camera in the car, but it looks just like the photo on their blog and was much bigger than I expected. (And of course, I bought some yarn and fabric.)

Next we drove  to Boulder to visit our good friends the Liggetts and also Dick's friend, Art, from high school. Isn't that a beautiful clematis?

We took Bill and Nancy to a Boulder "institution" called the Sink.  All sorts of people have signed its walls, including President Obama.

Then we headed up to the mountains.  On the way to Rocky Mountain Park, which is all uphill, I counted 109 bicyclists!

We also saw a flock of bighorn sheep~~~

and watched them cross the highway just like the sign said.

They didn't mind stopping traffic one little bit! They also made walking up hill look so easy.

The Ranger said this was only the third time since May that he'd seen them cross the road, so we felt really lucky to see them up that close.

We made lots of stops to admire the scenery and look down on the winding roads.

On the way back down the trail, we noticed lots of cars parked on the roadside.

We quickly saw what everyone was looking at!

A large herd of elk was moving across the snow field to graze on the hillside.

We loved our stay in Steamboat Springs.  Dick "caught" a magpie preening just outside our condo.

The sunsets out our window were pretty, too.

Just as we were leaving Steamboat Springs for the airport, we had a special treat, a mama moose and her calf!  It's only the second time we've ever seen one, and little did we realize that we'd almost lose all these photos.  We are so grateful to have them, and the camera they were in, back home!


Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you got your camera back. Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL! Girl, you DO get around!!!

The moose shot is awesome. That really WAS a lucky shot. :-)

So, what did you BUY at Loopy Ewe? Enquiring minds want to know!

Cranberry Morning said...

Judy, the scenery and wildlife is just amazing! And what a surprise that you bought fabric and yarn. lol I was just looking at a little crocheted viking helmet for a baby. I so want to make that for our friend's new little boy. I'll have to try to find my 'How to Crochet' book and get busy! Thanks for stopping in today. Yes, Henry looks big next to his baby sister. Wow. You're right, time flies.

Rian said...

Beautiful scenery...I'm guessing these photos were on your CF card. SO GLAD you got your camera back! That's terrific!

Tanna said...

So glad you received your camera back WITH all these great photos... reminders of good times. That little restaurant was probably like me... getting to the post office is like pulling teeth! LOL! Great trip, Judy. Thanks for sharing. blessings ~ tanna
ps the hitofude is really a GREAT pattern. NO seams and really pretty darn easy! =)

karen said...

I'm glad you have your camera back as well, how nice that they sent it to you even though it took a bit of time. Lovely photos!!

Nancy said...

Fantastic photos! I'm sure there were some silly rules the restaurant had to follow which is why it took so long.

kathy b said...


My gosh you have an entire WILD KINGDOM Episode on that camera. So happy you have it back.
The scenery in Colorado is something else…whenever we visit, Fireman wants to move there…

great shots!! more more

Lynn said...

What terrific pictures! I bet your are relieved to get you camera back.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Glad you got your camera back so you can continue to share your travels and adventures with us!

Meredith said...

You are so lucky to have seen all these amazing animals in their natural habitat. Glad yoy had a wonderful visit with your friends and that you got your camera back.

Caffeine Girl said...

What a great trip. I am so jealous of all the wildlife you saw. You can't beat a trip with old friends and beautiful places.

Anonymous said...

Good to get the camera back! What a lovely trip you had. Some of those scenes look familiar. Can you believe that it's snowed already in some places?

Unknown said...

Wonderful pictures of the Colorado Rockies! The views are spectacular. Yeah, and how about those bicyclists?? I think it would be quite a grunt to climb that kind of elevation! You were very fortunate to see big horn sheep, elk, and moose!! What a treat!

And what a blessing to have your camera returned intact.

Becca said...

Wow! Lots of fabulous photos Judy! So glad you finally got your camera back!