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Friday, September 12, 2014

Down to the Wire! And Still on My Needles~~~ (Updated)

Before the end of the month, in just a matter of days, this little gal is going to be a big sister, and we are going to have another grand niece!

Here's what's on my needles and almost finished.  As you can see, the hat needs some blocking, and the bootie needs its mate.

I'd best get crackin' Right?  But first I'm off to lunch with a friend. (Meanwhile, if you have a chance, check out Judy L's blogto see what others are knitting.

Update: Abigail Marie arrived Sunday morning, and yes, the booties are done and are on their way tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You'll make it. You don't have far to go, and you are fairly fast, from all I've seen on your blog. Congratulations again. =)

Anonymous said...

Such a cute pattern for the hat and booties.

Hopefully by now you've finished up.

Paula, the quilter said...

New moms always seem to like the knitted things, don't they? You will get these cute items done in time.

Meredith said...

You will get it done in no time at all, the pattern is gorgeous.

Changes in the wind said...

Lovely pattern for the hat and booties...

Tanna said...

You'll make it, without a doubt!! Love the lace ankles of those little booties. Beautiful, Judy! blessings ~ tanna

Nancy said...

This set is adorable - keep those needles clicking!

Caffeine Girl said...

What a sweet set that is. I know you'll get it done on time!

kathy b said...

Just one little footie left!

I'm waiting with you !!!
Babies…nothing like em

karen said...

beautiful new baby! and now another one to come in the family. I love when it's baby season :)

elns said...

Yay for babies and baby knits! haha, Karen's comment about baby season, cracks me up.