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Friday, June 13, 2014

Almost Done.......

Just seven more rows and my June Camp Loopy project will be finished except for the blocking! It's the Little House Shawl in Malabrigo's Archangel.

Our quilt group's next joint project is an applique with lots of animals.  Are you surprised that my block has cats?  Just a lot of hand embroidery and it will be finished, too.

The African violets have been blooming their hearts out for a while now; this is the only non-purple one, but it's happy, too.

One of my favorite house  plants is about done blooming, too.  Can you see why it's called the goldfish plant?

Today is Stella's 10-month birthday! Wouldn't it be great to be this flexible?

Now she's all done stretching and wishing you a happy weekend!

Check Patchwork Times to see what others have on their needles.


Ramona said...

Your shawl is Gorgeous! The pattern, the color, everything! I might have been as flexible as Stella for an hour in my life! :) It would be so helpful to use my feet to help my hands at times. :D

Teresa in Music City said...

Kids just amaze me!!! Our Hudson is always bouncing and jumping and running around, and then contorting himself into all kinds of positions - he wears me out just watching him! Your Stella is such a little beauty! It's hard to believe she's that old already :) Love your shawl - it's so nice to be almost finished and ready to start something new and exciting!

Nancy said...

Your shawl is gorgeous, and the photos of Stella are precious!

Paula, the quilter said...

Love both the shawl and the applique blocks. Baby's are just so darn much fun, aren't they?

Meredith said...

Isn't she adorable! Oh my goodness I was never that flexible. Love your shawl it is a gorgeous color.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Your Little House is gorgeous. I was tempted to make that, but decided I should knit something in my (never-ending) queue instead.

Anonymous said...

Stella is so busy she has to use her hands AND feet to play. What a cutie-pie!

Love the ruffles on your shawl. I made a pair of socks from that same yarn.

Somehow, I think our stashes would look a lot alike.

Rian said...

Stella is quite the multitasker with those feet! And that shawl is the bomb.

kathy b said...

Stella is too darn cute. Her little toes are curled around the block puzzle. !
I love your LITTLE house. Nice nice work