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Friday, May 2, 2014

On and Off the Needles ~~~

Last week's booties have been sent off, and the socks are done and have been worn!

The pattern is 9 to 5 and the yarn is Lorna's Laces. It has the most interesting heel.

Dee has been making socks from Knitty's Spring Forward pattern, so instead of working on my Skyp sock I just had to try Spring Forward in one of my favorite yarns, STR. (Socks that Rock) And she's right, it is a pretty pattern!

This week before the weather called me outside to the garden, I did a little bit of stitching on the long neglected Veranda Views.  Just one more block and the label are left after this one.

Dick has been hard at work power-washing the back patio.  You wouldn't believe the amount of moss out there! (You can see more in the grass.) Now the whole patio is done and looks like new. We are ready for summer!

Gotta run. Today's a qulting day.  Have a good weekend! BTW, don't forget to check Patchwork Times to see what other folks are doing.


Cranberry Morning said...

You are amazing. It must be the challenge of the pattern that motivates you?

Teresa in Music City said...

LOVE your socks!!! That is indeed a very interesting heel - cool!!! And I had to go over and check out Dee's too :) I wish I had time to make all the socks I want to make ;0

straythreads said...

Beautiful socks love the pattern and wow the heel! wonder if I can co that toe up?? have a great weekend

kathy b said...

Wow the power washing side by side is impressive. TOmorrow we must do the dirty job of cleaning the covered porch area for summer use. Its a dirty dirty job….sigh.

I love your socks. Well done> cool heel!

Anonymous said...

Those blue socks are just so cute! That is a pretty heel.

Glad you are liking the Spring Forward socks. I enjoyed knitting mine. I decided to send them off to Canada to Frieda. She could use a little spring in her life.

Steve will be doing the power washing in a couple of weeks. Our porch has bits of mold here and there from a very rainy spring.

karen said...

We have to power wash our patio as well. Love how clean and unslimy it looks when the work is done. Your socks are beautiful!! Lovely :)

Meredith said...

Love your finished socks and your new ones too.
Hugs to you and enjoy your weather.

Ramona said...

Your socks look great! Love both patterns and yarn colors. My powerwasher will be making an appearance in the next week or so, too. Pretty patio!

Nancy said...

Love your socks. The heel is interesting and one I haven't seen before.

Any tips for getting rid of moss in the grass? I have two patches of moss that are driving me crazy!

Janet said...

Love your socks, Judy.

Susan said...

We'll see if blogspot lets me comment on YOUR blog. I'm running about 40% of blogs that it will let me comment. It's amazing what a good pressure washing will do, isn't it? The patio looks great! So does the Veranda Views arbor that's coming along - I think it's an arbor anyway!

Unknown said...

Count me in as one who loves those socks too!! Interesting pattern. This makes me want to start JUST ONE MORE project...socks. I don't know if I can resist.

The power-washed brick patio is beautiful!! It looks very inviting!

Becca said...

Hi Judy! Wow! I love those socks! Such a pretty color of blue! Your deck looks so nice too…what a difference power washing makes huh? We need that around here too.