Oops, one big distraction I forgot to mention is SHOPPING! But after a trip to the yarn and quilt shops for me, and the bakery for Dick, we settle in and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Sorry Kris, but you're way ahead on the borders! See the link on the sidebar for these fun and free patterns by Lynette Anderson. Gotta run.... It's time to finish the Cranberry Fluff salad for our dinner. Happy Thanksgiving!
It is Thangsgiving … I wishes you a beautiful time, dear Judy…
your BOM' s see very beautifully out…
Neat stitching!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs, Cat
Happy Thanksgiving Judy, thank you for your friendship.
Hi Judy...love those cute pictures!
(Especially the birds at the top)
Enjoy your celebrations....but whatever is Cranberry Fluff salad?!!!!
Linda xx
Judy, cute pictures! Only three more to go.
Cranberry Fluff salad sounds yummy. Mind sharing the receipe. I was so hungry for cranberry relish yesterday but I forgot to get the oranges at the store.
2 X 2, stitch by stitch.. you're getting there Judy... hope your Thanksgiving was a good one
Hey Judy! With my last deadline dependent project out of the way, last night I finally got to start the penguin block - YAY! Have been out to a Christmas party tonight, but hope to get stitchin' again tomorrow night - have to catch up to you! Tee! Hee! Hee! Although, I suppose I'm technically ahead, since mine all have borders!:0) Love your flora and fauna photos, too on the latest post - had to catch up on a few! The mushies look so pretty for something deadly - hope you had a good time! Bear Hugs! KRIS
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