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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Delivered! And a Surprise ~

I figured my friend might be tired of greyish hats, so I made this one for her.

Our crazy mixed up Christmas cactus doesn't know it's almost Thanksgiving. It was tiny when we moved it here from San Diego in 1977.  There are two other of its "children" in our garden window that aren't confused though.😉I wonder when and if they plan to bloom!



Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

What a wonderful gift for your friend and a beautiful Christmas cactus whenever it decides to bloom!

Araignee said...

Cute hat! I love Christmas cactus. My mom had several beauties in her laundry room and some of them did bloom at Thanksgiving.

Tired Teacher said...

The Christmas Cactus is gorgeous and healthy. It is obviously happy in its location

Betsy said...

That's such a beautiful hat and I'm sure that you're friend is so grateful to you for all of them. The yarn is so pretty and looks really soft. And your Christmas cactus is obviously very, very happy where you keep it, even if it is confused. :-)
Blessings and hugs,

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Delighted Hands said...

A very pretty hat!!! The cactus is beautiful in bloom! I have several that are very early also--last year they were all blooming (I have about a dozen!) together in December!!!!

karen said...

I would welcome a confused flowering anything! I know your friend will love her non-gray hat.

Juliann said...

I am knitting tiny hats for a set of twins due to arrive in late December. The yarn is all sorts of blues and it is very fun.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Beautiful cactus! My oldest is about 12 years old - and not looking great. It's going to need some love soon