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Monday, December 3, 2018

December Already? How Can That Be?

Where does time go? Surely it can't be December third already?  Why, just a day or two ago it was Thanksgiving! I can clearly remember long ago as a child when the hands of the clock moved so incredibly slowly from 3 o'clock to 3:30 and the end of another school day. Now though, each day passes in a blur!  I guess that comes with the busy, short and very dark days of December as we head to the end of another year.  This fall has been exceptionally busy, and I don't know why.  Lots of changes in the works, I guess.  Sadly, our long time neighbors have moved into assisted living, good friends are struggling with health issues, a choir friend has passed away, our wonderful choir director is retiring, and yet there have been good things, too.  We have five lovely grand children and a terrific family as well as many friends. Best of all, we still have each other and need to remember that each and every day is a gift to be appreciated.  Oh my, how I ramble....and what I meant to do was quickly write another post.  We celebrated the first of this holiday-filled month by going to see The Nutcracker ballet.  It was an updated and very enjoyable performance with some of the scenery being projected.  We couldn't take any photos during the show, but here's Miss Stella studying her program.

After the first act, I heard her say, "It's finally over."  I guess time is different when you're just five.  I think she enjoyed the second act more when there was more dancing.
I have lots of projects in progress as deadlines for mailing approach.  (Someday I'll learn to start sooner, right?)  Here's one Fairy Scarf; I still have another one to finish.  I bought two kits in Cannon Beach.  Each kit came with some yarn (I added some), the trim, and a little booklet.  And my little fairy seems to approve!  

My other finishes are two dishcloths. one a much-used pattern and the other a new one.

This one is made from a never-ending ball of yarn! Both look less wonky in real life, and both are destined to be dishcloths.

While it regularly blooms at Thanksgiving, this Christmas cactus was beautiful last month. I rescued it years ago before we moved to Washington, and once I moved it to a sunny location it's never failed to bloom each year, just not at Christmas.

This one is relatively young and is in full bloom right now.

I probably won't be posting again until after Christmas so as not to spoil any surprises. However, if you wish to tune in on Sunday to our choir performance, you can watch us live here at either 9 or 11 AM Pacific Standard Time. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday!


kathy b said...

Judy. Im sorry you've had some neighbors move away . You are wise and sweet and wonderful. I hope that you get lots of family time this Christmas. Your incredible choir is something I still enjoy listening to while I'm driving in the car. Keep knitting, keep posting , keep being the incredible lady you are!

Dee said...

Wishing you and Dick a very Merry Christmas.

elns said...

I know you value all the positive and good in your life, still I'm sorry there have been some sad changes and transitions.

Tired Teacher said...

What a stunning Christmas cactus - you're obviously keeping it very happy. Enjoy your time with family and friends this holiday season - every moment is a blessing.

Betsy said...

I agree wholeheartedly with you on the time issue. And life certainly does have its challenges as the years go by doesn’t it? I’m sorry about your neighbors and your friends, but I’m happy that you still have your husband.
We had tickets given to us for the Nutcracker last Friday, but we weren’t able to go because of my back. I get just so frustrated with it. I would have loved to of gone to see the ballet.
Your projects all look very nice and I’m sure will be much appreciated. I love that dishcloth pattern.
I hope you and your husband and your entire family have a wonderful and merry Christmas.
Many blessings my friend, Betsy

Araignee said...

Your Nutcracker story reminds me of when I used to take Daughter to the local dance studio's version when she was little. I used to make her go every year but she really didn't like to sit through it. She made me laugh at this past Thanksgiving telling me that she just spent $300 on Nutcracker tickets for her and her hubby at the Kennedy Center.

Sharon said...

Welcome back! I love seeing the items you make. Thanks for pointing to two more dish clothes that I'll have to make time for.

I'm sorry about your neighborhood changes/challenges. Hopefully you'll get wonderful new neighbors soon.

karen said...

I wish time would slow down the older I get the faster the days go by. I miss childhood in that respect. My cactus is NOT blooming because I had to move it away from the cat and now it's a sad cactus in a bathroom.

Meredith said...

Life is about change isn't it? I am never really ready for it but it happens anyway. Love your Christmas cactus, so beautiful.

R's Rue said...
