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Friday, October 27, 2017

Fall Is Here and So Are Some New Socks!

Signs of Fall are everywhere these days.  Just now we enjoyed a long walk under bright blue skies, trudging uphill and down through lots of leaves and pine needles. I love collecting Big Leaf Maple leaves as they truly live up to their name.  Here are some of the "smaller" ones. (Note the pencil!)

And here's my favorite find.


This pumpkin in our Chicago daughter's garden has an interesting story. They live on a small lake, and during the summer the kids found a strange plant growing in the beach sand.  They dug it up and planted it at home, thinking that it was a melon, but voila!  I think it will soon be carved, don't you?

While walking around that same lake, we stumbled upon the remains of a friend of Captain Hook and his pet parrot.  Don't you wonder what his story is?  There were lots of other signs of Halloween in the neighborhood, but this one was the most unique.

The squirrels, birds and other critters in our yard enjoyed this sunflower from our local daughter's garden.  No, they didn't clean up the shells.

These socks are finally finished.  I won't confess when they were started, but they were part of an "ancient" KAL at the Knitter's Brewing Company.  Sock #1 was done long ago, and then I caught the dreaded SSS!

Pair number four of the GKs' Sock Request has already been delivered and worn to school!  Just one more pair, and I'll be done with the "orders" placed in July when we were at Cannon Beach.  Daniel requested blue and green.  He got a few more colors as well.  As for that last pair of socks....they may take a while as that grandson's foot is my size!  How did that happen?



Anonymous said...

Those giant maple leaves are crazy big!!!

I can see why those purple socks took awhile. That's a lot of cable work. But, they were worth it. So pretty.

Love the blue/green socks too.

There were some cute decorations in Avondale (the community below ours in Jacksonville), but I didn't get photos. We were driving through and didn't have time to stop.

Betsy said...

Wow! I don’t think I’be ever seen a maple leaf that big and I lived in a subdivision called “Maple Village”in Nebraska! Your socks are beautiful. I love them and I know the recipients will too. Enjoy one last weekend of sun up north.

Araignee said...

That reminds me that I have yet to get a pumpkin for carving. What's Halloween without toasted pumpkin seeds?
Those socks are beautiful. Totally worth all the waiting!

karen said...

lovely fall images and I loved seeing the leaves in your area. Both pairs of socks ...well...they rock!

Tired Teacher said...

I had no idea some maples had HUGE leaves! Wow, they are impressive.

Both pair of socks are beautifu,l and I love that your GKs put in special requests.

kathy b said...

The HOMEGROWN pumpkin is wonderful!!!! The blue cabled socks are really wonderful Judy. I dont like taking knit orders. YOu are great to do so!! That way people get what they really want with colors etc

Sharon said...

I'm happy you finished the blue socks. They are so pretty.
And as far as the maples go, yes, they have gorgeous leaves, but then come spring, I am pulling hundreds of new little maple starts from the gardens.

Meredith said...

That leaf is gigantic! I love the pumpkin plant story. Hugs to you Judy.

Tanna said...

Oh, my goodness, Judy! That leaf is HUGE! So fun to see it! Love your socks! Keep on keeping on and you'll get the last of THAT order filled probably just in time for the next order. LOL! Have a great week. blessings ~ tanna

elns said...

That giant leaf picture is gold. Congratulations on the sock finish. Remember, no matter when they are started, they are finished now! I love that blue green color way. Lovely.