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Friday, February 10, 2017

Snow Here but Not There........

We've been back home for a couple of days and have enjoyed watching the snow melt. Here's what it looked like here last Monday when the schools closed for two days. (And thanks to our son for the photos!)

The railing on our front deck.

The plum tree in our front yard.  Fortunately it is staked!

This is the bird feeder hanging outside the window in the family room.

Meanwhile, this is the view from the back patio where my sister and brother-in-law are staying in Green Valley, Arizona.  We were there, too, enjoying the sunset.  We had just returned from a delightful hike in Madera Canyon and also saw this bird feeder.

Now we know why we never seen any of our state birds in our backyard.  They are all wintering in Arizona in Madera Canyon! (They don't like our yard in the summer either.)

I counted at least 12 wild turkeys there, too.

and Mexican Blue Jays filling their tummies

along with one very happy humming bird!

One afternoon, I was sitting on my sister's patio when I heard a snuffling sound and expected to see someone's dog.  Instead what should appear but this javelina, and in broad daylight no less.  As soon as I noticed him (?), he went down into the nearby canyon, but just as I was telling my husband what I'd seen, the little guy returned.  Thus, the photo! That's just a bit of our Arizona adventure.  More soon, but not much knitting has been accomplished recently.


Cranberry Morning said...

Hi Judy. Wasn't it hard to come back to winter? But I suppose you'll get an earlier spring than Wisconsin gets. That javelina! Yikes, looks like a huge rodent. Is it? Hope you have a nice weekend.

Betsy said...

It has been an interesting winter in Washington this year hasn't it? They even closed the schools here in Spokane yesterday for the first time this winter. We still have about 3 1/2 to 4 foot of snow in our front yard but the ice storm yesterday was too much for the buses. I've never heard of a Javalina but I don't like the looks of it.
Blessings, Betsy

Araignee said...

Wow what a big difference! Arizona looks like a nice place to visit this time of year. Now I know what a Javalina looks like. I've read about them. Cute!

Tired Teacher said...

I think the only ones who really enjoy snow are snowmobiliers and skiers.

Love the bird feeder photos - amazing shots.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bird photos.

My friend has a very funny story about javelinas in her yard. You'll have to remind me to tell you about it when you are here.

Looks like you had a good time in AZ.

Tanna said...

Such glorious variety in one country. Just gotta love that! Loved seeing it all! Stay warm now. blessings and hugs ~ tanna

Meredith said...

I have never even heard of that little animal. We had a bobcat walk behind our house two night ago. Very fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you only saw one hummingbird! Madera Canyon is known for the variety of hummers that come each winter. Way to make me homesick. =) I went to high school and started college in Tucson. Much of my young married life was spent there, too. Phoenix came later in life. =)

karen said...

wow! look at all of those birds :) I miss having a bird feeder and watching birds! (I can't because of bears).

kathy b said...

Good timing Judy! You and Dick missed a bunch of snow! WOW. we only saw javelina poop in AZ. I was enchanted with the desert and views. I'd go back to Sedona. THanks for the array of photos. If I know you, you'll catch up knitting sooN!