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Monday, March 7, 2016

Unraveling a Mystery

For the past few weeks I've been working on a mystery sock which was the focus of a KAL sponsored by the Knitters Brewing Company. It was one of the more difficult patterns I've ever attempted and the source of quite a bit of frogging.  However, I kept at it and one sock is DONE! (The sock is actually gray, not beige.)

It was supposed to be the "canvas" for embroidery, but I just couldn't bear to put any kind of stitching on the cables.  The heel on this sock was really unique as well; it's created by a series of yarn overs that are then decreased.  One of these days I'll start on sock #2.

Even though it's been kind of chilly here today, our yard is looking very springlike.  The flowering plum is blossoming as are lots of pretty daffodils.

It was spring inside our house, too.  When we got home last week, the minute we walked in the door, we smelled this almost sickeningly sweet smell but couldn't find the source for a couple of days.  After we'd almost given up, DH found it.  The corn plant had a hidden stalk of flowers behind the canary island pine.  I cut it off, Dick took a photo, and we put it outside!

Still haven't posted about our trip, but I will soon.  Stay tuned.


Araignee said...

Goodness, that sock is just incredible. I can't imagine the work that went into it.
Your blooms are beautiful. We've still got a way to go before the trees catch up to what's happening on the ground.

Janet said...

Beautiful sock! I can understand needing a break before you start the second one.

kathy b said...

your sock is amazing Judy. You are a really really accomplished knitter!

Tired Teacher said...

Love the sock: it does look like a difficult knit. The heel is definitely unique and should be comfortable to wear.

Rian said...

Sock: Exceptional! Spring: Happy, happy!!!

Sharon said...

The sock is amazing and beautiful. When I get some extra time, I'd like to try it. Please where can I find the pattern

Anonymous said...

That sock is really interesting.

I've never heard of a corn plant. It certainly gets a unique flower.

elns said...

Look at that sock! Mystery socks, who would've thought it? Seems like something I'd positively mess up!

Meredith said...

That sock is amazing, you did a fabulous job.
Happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

Love your floral banner. I didn't know that sock was a mystery!

karen said...

awesome sock!!! WE have some nice mild weather and the sun THE SUN is out :) I am quite happy about that.

straythreads said...

Beautiful sock!! love the stitch pattern
have a great weekend

Dar said...

That sock is incredible. I can't imagine tacking something so complex for a sock. I do understand why it may be a bit of a wait before starting the other one!