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Monday, December 14, 2015

Goodbye, Cherry Tree! (And a couple of finishes)

Our poor old cherry tree has been ill for a couple of years, and we finally had it cut down this past Friday. It was always so pretty in the spring when it blossomed, and we will miss that.

All that's left is a pile of wood and lots more light in the backyard! Maybe now we can keep a clematis alive on the wooden arch?

This week had a couple of finishes also:  a Seahawks hat and a colorful headband.

I was a bit surprised how much the yarn pooled!

I hope this will help a certain someone keep the hair out of her eyes!  So many people commented on the slippers that I am including a link to the pattern on Ravelry. (Thanks you, Kathy b, for finding this pattern! It's fun and pretty quick.  Now I need to get busy and make some spiced nuts for the holidays.  Have a great week!  PS If you want to listen to our choir program, here's the link.


Anonymous said...

Can you use that wood in your fireplace?

Hopefully you won't miss it too much. The hat and headband are adorable.

I could use one of those headbands tonight. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, but tonight the long bangs are driving me CRAZY. LOL

Araignee said...

That headband is beautiful!!!

Tired Teacher said...

It's always difficult to lose a tree. They leave such big holes in the sky when they're gone.

Thanks for the links.

kathy b said...

I like the hat! The headband will be perfect for someone!
We lost a tree too this year.
Glad the slippers were a fit!

Anonymous said...

That is sad to lose that wonderful old tree. Are you going to burn the wood?

elns said...

Busy busy with knits for everyone -- who doesn't love slippers? :) I'm sorry about your tree. Wishing you a happy holiday season.

karen said...

we lost two trees this year and we had them removed so that they would not fall on the house. Now that the work is done we see another one in the woods that could land on the house. Hopefully it'll stay up for another year!!

Unknown said...

Sorry you lost a tree...especially one that was so pretty.

The pooling of the yarn in the hat is kind of unusual, eh? I've only seen that happen a few times.

How sweet and colorful is that headband??!! Too cute.

Rian said...

Always sad to lose a tree. Yes, you'll miss it come spring.

Meredith said...

So sorry about your tree, I just love trees and hate it so much when they have to be cut down. I love the pooling in that hat, I think it is fantastic.
Hugs to you,