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Friday, May 8, 2015

Off the Needles and Crazy Busy!

It's been a bit crazy here, and I am very behind in blog reading and posting.  DD#2 is on a business trip, and we've been helping out, our choir is in the last week of preparing for our Messiah concert, and I agreed to sew 10 chair pockets for Jubilee Reach. (6 are done!) And the sun is out which means the garden/yard needs attention. However, I did finish two things, one a new project and the other, a very old one.

This is the last Top This! hat for a while.  Look who sneaked it on while big brother was busy doing a puzzle with Opa. Do you think BB noticed?

Finally, this pair of socks is done. The pattern is Spring Forward and the yarn is Blue Moon Socks that Rock. (Falcons Eye)

And here is Little Miss in HER hat.

When time permits, I'll be finishing up some more socks that are in the WIP pile and will  also try to be a better blogger after our concert is over and the chair pockets are done. Meanwhile, Happy Mom's Day to those of you who are moms!  If you're in the mood to see more knitting, check out Judy's blog.


Unknown said...

Your little Miss is adorable ( so is the hat)! Grandchildren are such a blessing.

Ramona said...

It is a crazy time of year, but things always seem to get done. Your little grands are so cute! (The hats are, too!)

Janet said...

Both hats are cute and Little Miss is a lovely model. Sounds like you have busy times ahead. Have a Happy Mother's Day!

Araignee said...

I have had that sock pattern (Spring Forward) in my queue forever and I even have the yarn. Yours are lovely!
Happy Mother's Day....I almost forgot about it until you reminded me.

Tired Teacher said...

Oh yeah, I bet big brother noticed his hat on little sister.

The hats are adorable as are the Grands!

Anonymous said...

Stella is too adorable in her new hat.

Happy Mother's Day to you and your daughters.

Anonymous said...

I think Stella is destined to be a hat model. LOL Nice finishes!

Rian said...

Cute kids. And the hats are adorable!

Caffeine Girl said...

So nice of you to help out!
Happy Mother's (and Grandmother's) Day to you, too!

Tanna said...

ADORABLE!!! Life is so busy! Enjoy every minute! Happy Mother's Day, Judy!! blessings ~ tanna

Unknown said...

You knit THE CUTEST hats for your grands.

Love the socks, and I'm paying attention to the pattern name; I really like that. Well done - getting some WIP's off the needles!

Meredith said...

Those tow are so adorable Judy, Happy Mother's Day to you.

karen said...

happy mother's day, glad you are busy in a good way!!

straythreads said...

WOW so many great projects!! well done

JK said...

Well hello there sweet darlin! My goodness it has been a long time yes? Thanks so much for stopping by and enjoying my ramblings... Those are some sweet, sweet babes you have there, and I see you are busy with your knitting too...I still can't knit..LOL! Beautiful stuff you're making hon..

I'm looking forward to getting back into CQ so looks like I'll be busy once again on my blog...

Have a fantastic day darlin!

Jeanne said...

The hats are adorable! I wish I had the knitting gene. Your socks are really cute, too.

Merry said...

That giraffe beanie is just too cute as too are the kids.