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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Off the Needles and Just in Time!

Now that Christmas is past, I can show a couple more finishes.  For the two joggers in the family I made  hats with Schachenmyr's Lumio yarn.  Iit reflects the light, thanks to a thread that's wound in with the yarn.  The yarn itself is really bulky, so it knits up fast, and the hats should be warm. Surprisingly, I had yarn left over from each skein.  If you double click on the blue hat, you can see how it picked up the flash. The other day I saw some similar yarn at Jo-Ann's, but I got these two online.

This prayer shawl was delivered today to a quilting friend who is undergoing cancer treatment for a very aggressive kind of cancer.  Sure hope it lifts her spirits a little.

I was happy to receive this photo the other day of all three of the Chicago gang wearing their knits.  They are a happy bunch, aren't they?

There are still a couple more finishes to show but not till the upcoming birthdays are over.  Happy New Year Everyone!  How can it be 2015? Check out what others are knitting at Patchwork Times.


Anonymous said...

They ARE a happy bunch, but I can't get over how big the kids are getting. When we "met" Sophia was little and the little guy wasn't even here yet.

Araignee said...

That yarn is brilliant. I've never seen it before. It would be great for a dog sweater too.
The shawl is lovely. I'm sure it will bring great comfort.

Nancy said...

Great gift knits!

Your Chicago gang is going to love wearing those knits this year.

kathy b said...

Love your hats. !!!!!
The safety feature is amazing! I must make one

Rian said...

Beautiful hats, and the prayer shawl is very special.

Meredith said...

You have made some lovely things Judy, especially that gorgeous shawl. I am sure your friend will be so touched by our generosity.

karen said...

that is a photo to treasure! I love seeing hand knits modeled, and your kids are so lovely!!

Anonymous said...

They are a happy looking bunch, indeed - and look as if they all have the middle name of Trouble! LOL Wonderful finishes. That first hat, especially, will definitely be seen on cold gray days! I hope your friend does well with her treatment.

Cranberry Morning said...

Yes, they are a happy looking bunch! So nice to see the smiles and the knits. I am sure that the shawl will be an encouragement to your friend. With all the busyness of Christmas, it's easy to overlook those who are suffering during this darkest time of year.

Lynn said...

I love those hats. Beautiful colors!

Tanna said...

Love. love. love the family photo!! Just the best! =) Judy, you have knit a lot of love in those beauties. Well done.

Belated Merry Christmas and HAPPY New Year!! blessings ~ tanna

Cat said...

Great hats! I am sure your friend will feel blessed with the prayer shawl. And great family pic!! HappyNew Year!

Unknown said...

The Chicago bunch looks very happy with their warm knits...and they are needing them with this arctic chill. The prayer shawl is gorgeous. Good looking fiber projects all the way around!

hakucho said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my are a faithful friend :)
Oh, my you have been busy knitting away. Puts me to shame. Browsed through all your handiwork that you have done lately. Very inspiring! Love those Christmas stockings. Heirlooms for sure!

Happy New Year...Happy Knitting :)