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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Off to the Beach!

The pink lace is longer, the shawlette is dry, and I finished the Keppi hat, but that's about it for this week's stitching. Check out what others are knitting at Patchwork Times

We had a couple of nice days weatherwise which got me out in the yard to do a bit of work.  Aren't these pretty? The sunshine encouraged them to bloom.

Then on Friday we headed to the Oregon Coast for a long weekend.  We saw lots of signs of spring on the way there, but the weather didn't hold.  It was windy and chilly most of the time, but we had fun anyway.

The resident goose was quite entertaining but

just a bit intimidating up close and quite different looking from other geese we've encountered.

Skunk cabbage was blooming among the grasses.

We love the view from our favorite unit at Little Creek Cove. ( Note the blue sky!  It didn't stick around long.)

Of course the sun came out on the day we left after a rip-snorting storm during the night.  You can see how wet the sand is, but someone was already enjoying the beach. We were amazed at how the winter winds and rains had flattened out the dunes that we'd walked on last September!

Here's what it looked like then. Quite a difference, eh?  Well, back to work; there's lots of catching up to do.


Lynn said...

What lovely shades of purple in your hat. A weekend at the beach. Ahhh, that's what I need. I bet it was peaceful and serene.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a change. Mother Nature is AMAZING!

Glad you had a good trip in spite of the not-so-nice weather.

Meredith said...

The change in the beach is amazing. So glad you had a wonderful time.
Hugs to you,


The knitted hat is very pretty. I think going to the beach especially in the Winter/Spring would be more enjoyable.. Less people and I loved the see the waves crashing onto the shore during the storms.. Wow there is a huge different in the beach with the sand dunes and after a storm.. Lovely post. Hugs judy

kathy b said...

What a great cute purple hat! I love the fuzzes.
Fun to see some daffodils..ours are only available in the store right now!
BUT there a chance of a thunderstorm here tomorrow instead of snow

Nancy said...

It snowed here last night and was slick and nasty this morning. Hopefully, the snow will turn to rain showers next week.

Love all your knits.

I have never seen that kind of goose before. He/she does look a bit intimidating.

Susan said...

Thanks for sharing the gorgeous views. What a lovely weekend, even if it was gray and chilly. I would have loved curling up by a fireplace and just looking out the window! The beach difference is amazing. I love the floral header you have, even if it's pink. It's so spring!

karen said...

how lucky to have an outing like that with wonderful water views! Our geese are a little aggressive down by the duck pond, very squawky and in your face kind of personalities.

Wildflowerhouse said...

What a neat weekend you two had. I wanted to go to the coast this winter but it didn't happen. Thanks for sharing.
I feel like a new mother with these two puppies. They are always on the move. So glad I bought a little exercise pen for my studio. It helps....!

Janet said...

Love the pretty purples in the hat. I always enjoy the photos from your trips. Thanks for sharing.

Tanna said...

Wow! That is pretty amazing from the dunes to flat! You took such beautiful photos, Judy!! I've missed visiting and glad to be back! Girl, you have been a knitting machine. I haven't done a stitch in weeks! soon... maybe soon... blessings and hugs ~ tanna

Rian said...

Gorgeous hat! With all the exceptional knitting you do, you NEED to live in a cold climate! Lovely photos.

Unknown said...

Oh, what pretty spring images! And the Oregon Coast...beautiful. Sounds like a very nice weekend!

straythreads said...

fun yarns in the cap! ooohh the spring pics sigh and the daffodil double sigh

Dar said...

Really like your cap. Did you use lots of different yarns in it or was it a bulky mix yarn.

Cat said...

Pretty hat!
Great pictures, looks like a good trip to the coast, it's always looks so serene even with the storms. That's quite a difference in the landscape of the sand.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Love the lavender hat with the fluffy top notch! Looks like a great weekend at the coast.