It looks to me like Max is thinking, "I wish Oma'd hurry up and make a new sweater. This one is getting awfully tight!"

Opa and Max, one of the few photos of the photographer~~

Uncle Carl and Max, the only photo of these two together so far~~

Here's our normally happy boy!

And this photo I forgot to post earlier. It was taken a couple Saturdays ago out the backdoor window at Brent and Catherine's house. (One of the few times recently we could even see the moon!) Now I'm off to work on this month's Sunbonnet Sue. Happy Easter everyone!
Happy Easter Judy....what a wonderful collection of Max photos.
Happy Easter! Max is a cutie!
Darling little Happy Boy! :-) And yeah, the sweater looks a bit snug, but boy is it a nice one!
Aww, darling pictures!
That Max's smile could light a room!! Precious. Especially the smile in that second photo! Love that sweater (for my second time today!). ;) blessings ~ tanna
Ha ha! So Cute! What a sweetie in that sweater! Love the photos. Happy Easter to you too!
Max sure is a photogenic little guy. I'm enjoying watching him "grow up" on your blog.
What lovely pictures, all of your guys are looking wonderful!
Whish you a Happy Easter and good times
They just grow SO fast, don't they? He is such a jolly fellow - looks like he needs a squeeze from his Oma to me! Happy Easter to you and yours!
What a sweet face Max has. Delightful. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you. Your grand baby is amazingly adorable..and I see lots of babies!
I love a good moon image. I find them hard to capture
Max is adorable! He looks very dapper in his hand knit sweater :)
Max is so cute...he really growing! I love the little sweater...precious!!
Love your photos of Max....especially the laughing cavalier!
I'm also very impressed with those snazzy boots, do you make them in my size?
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