This is one of the most complicated multi-colored patterns I have ever done and took a while to finish. I made it extra difficult by using a light colored yarn where the pattern called for a dark color and vice versa. Did a bit of frogging also, but it is finished now!
We were lucky to only have lots of branches and pine cones to pick up because some of our friends had whole trees down, some that hit houses and some that totally flattened them! Our power was only out for two days, but some folks had no heat or light for 7 or more days. Our youngest grand daughter used 20 of these pine cones for table decorations on Thanksgiving.
This was the biggest branch that fell into our backyard; it was entangled in those sword ferns, and I was surprised how long and heavy it was when I pulled it out. Dick cut it up before taking it to our compost pile.
A few days later we went for a hike in a nearby park and saw that it also had trees down...big ones as you can see below.
Here's just a couple of pieces of a tree that fell in the park! Apparently it was blocking the trail and the ranger cut it into pieces. Below you can see part of the tree and others around it that also came down. . 
The last time we walked in the park, this little stream didn't exist, so you can see that there was lots of rain as well as wind.
Despite the storm, we had a very nice Thanksgiving at our daughter's house in a suburb of Seattle and learned that they only had leaves to pick up there. We were so thankful that day that we were spared serious damage like some of our friends did. My friend Janie who lives in an area called Mirrormont, and she told me that 100 houses in that area were damaged, some no longer even livable! Yes, we were extremely lucky!