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Friday, September 20, 2024

Finally a Post! I've Been busy!

I've been busy finishing some projects including this pair of socks. The pattern is called Hopscotch Socks and requires a certain skein of yarn.  It's called Zesty Sock by Universal Yarns and comes in several different color combinations.

My quilt group makes Christmas stockings as well as quilts for the Ronald McDonald House in Seattle. I was busy finishing this one and am about to start on another one as they need to be done by October.

I won't tell you when I started this sweater, but it's finally finished and been delivered to our oldest daughter for her birthday which was yesterday! It's a fairly challenging pattern, and the yarn I used was kind of splitty. But it's done, finally!

And I just finished this pair of socks last night. It's a fun pattern called Shell Yeah and a great way to use up leftover yarn. I will do it again.

Since I finished a project and it wasn't raining, we decided to take a walk in our nearby canyon.  Here's what we saw at a house on the way there. 

Don't you wonder how it stays up there?

This is one of the entrances to the trail that starts on either side of the main road into a nearby development.  Squibbs Creek flows along the trail, but the stream is pretty shallow now. There's another entrance at the end of the trail which is the way we headed. The trail is wide and well maintained and is a very nice walk in the woods.

On the way back home, we had to stop and take a photo of this pretty dahlia.


Well, that's it for now; gotta get back to my next project, a dishcloth, that needs to be finished soon.  Have a great weekend!