First was a scarf that found a home with Michael:
Then came Catherine, right after Christmas. I really like this pattern and plan to make it again.

Then comes Max. Here's what I knit him for Christmas, and not too many days later, came his January birthday.
I think you'll recognize this guy! He was a fun knit!:
You've already seen this hat, and here are the matching mitts for David, our speedy swimmer and best of all they fit!:
There were two more January finishes: This one for a choir friend's new baby. (You've seen this pattern before many times.)
and this one for another choir friend who loves tacos:
It's from a sweater pattern, but I used the design to make a pot holder!
That's it for now. Have a wonderful weekend! (We are spending the President's Day holiday with our local grand kids.) See you next time; now back to breakfast and my February projects. (All are yet to be finished!)