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Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Finish and Some Snow!

I just finished this pair of shorties with this pattern. I guess warmer socks are called for today!

A few minutes ago, this is what it looked like at our house, and now it's stopped and starting to melt!

Have a nice weekend!


Tired Teacher 2 said...

Cute, cute socks!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

That's a great pair of socks!

Betsy said...

Those are really great socks. Love the color. Yay for purple! Everyone is getting snow except us and that's okay. I don't want any but the farmers do. I'd much rather have rain. It's a lot easier to drive in.

Araignee said...

I love the color of those socks. They are just so darn cute. That's the kind of snow we usually get here. It was nice to get a real snow this year although as of today, it's all gone.

karen said...

beautiful socks and I love snow!!