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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Knitting and Exploring

It's been a while since I've posted as we've been busy with a lot of home improvement projects, but I did have some time to finish a couple of projects.
Our son-in-law's niece just graduated from nursing school, so I made her this little doll. It was fun curling her hair. The pattern says to wind the yarn tightly around a pencil and cook in the oven set at 200 degrees for 30 minutes, and it worked!

Here she is without her mask.

I made this little hat for our son's friend who is having her first child in June. Next up are a pair of "sneaker" booties.

 We enjoy exploring places to take walks and recently found two different parks on Lake Washington, and another one with great views of Mount Rainier.

Wouldn't it be fun to live in a house on that point?

 This dog was enjoying the view, too.

This park, also on the lake, had lots of visitors and an amazing dog park.  However, only the dogs were swimming!

This park has great views of Mount Rainier from its parking lot.

Can you guess what this bench is made from?

~Hope you are having a great week!~