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Monday, January 27, 2025

Finished at Last!

I won't tell you when I started these socks, but they are done now! The pattern is called Mercury Socks, and I decided to make them shorties.


The other fun thing that happened today is that I saw this cute little bird for the second day in a row on my walk. It took a while, but I believe it's a Red-crowned Kinglet. It's very little and not terribly shy.


Hope you had a nice day, too, as well as a fun evening!


Wanderingcatstudio said...

Your Mercury socks look great! Isn't it a fun pattern
And what a sweet little bird!

Dee Kissinger said...

Your Mercury socks are beautiful. I enjoyed that pattern when I knit it.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Your socks are great even if they were a long time in the making! It's fun to spot critters on walks. :)

Tired Teacher said...

Love the socks and the bird.

karen said...

I'd love to see that bird here! lovely socks!

Judy S. said...

Recently I saw a Golden-crowned Kinglet. It sure was pretty and oh so tiny!