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Friday, February 21, 2025

Two Finishes and a Little News

We recently learned the new baby's name; it's Cormac. Since babies grow quickly I decided to make him a new hat and a pair of booties. These patterns I've had for a long time. The hat though I'd not done it before. The hat is a quick knit, but the booties are pretty fussy. I have made that pattern quite a few times, but not recently since no relatives or neighbors have had any babies lately.


We've had some sad news recently. Our daughter's father-in-law, who was doing pretty well after his first stroke a few years ago, fell outside and hurt his head which caused another stroke. He's not doing very well right now, so prayers for him would be appreciated. His name is Montsic. He came to the US many years ago from Armenia. 



Araignee said...

That is just the cutest little set! Those booties are adorable. I am sorry to hear of your daughter's FIL's troubles. Sending thoughts and hugs his way.

Delighted Hands said...

You did a beautiful job on the baby booties and hat!!!! Sorry for the hard times in your family; prayers and love.

Betsy said...

That's such a cute baby hat and booties and I love the baby's name. I'm sorry for Montsic. I'll definitely pray for him and the rest of the family.
Blessings and hugs,

Wanderingcatstudio said...

So sorry to hear about the FIL - sending good vibes

Those booties are too cute!

karen said...

praying for the father in law!! lovely hat and shoes and what an awesome name.

Tina said...

That is such a cute hat. I like the carpet in the background too. It looks just like ours that we have. I just got a carpet cleaning so it's been really fun to spend more time in the family room. Thanks for sharing!

Juliann said...

I am so sorry for your daughter’s father in law. What a sweet th8ng to make those lovely knit goodies.

Sandy said...

Adorable set of booties and hat. Love the red, white and blue. So sorry to hear about your daughters FIL. I wish him the best. Strokes can be so difficult to get over. Generally lots of therapy is needed, physical, occupational, and speech. Hope he get's excellent care.