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Monday, June 3, 2024

Baby Items Done!

Right now my Twelve Birds Shawl is drying,  and I  just finished stitching the stars on the Sneaker Booties. (Would you believe those stars just arrived today from Spain, thanks to Etsy?) The baby hasn't arrived yet, so the booties have been finished on time.

Here they are with the hat I recently finished. I think they look pretty good together.

This little fellow is supposed to arrive around June 10th, we'll see!  As for the shawl, I am so glad it's finished as it fought me all the way. I don't think I've ever made so many mistakes that had to be corrected ever before!  It made me kind of crazy, and I am glad it's done!  I will post the photo when it gets dry.

 Have a good week. I will be happy when it's Wednesday because tomorrow I have a dentist appt. and am not looking forward to that! 😒


Delighted Hands said...

The booties are so very cute!!!! Nice job not he accompanying hat!
Sorry for the shawl problems but you can wear it proudly now!

Araignee said...

Those are the absolute cutest!!!

Betsy said...

Those booties are oh, so cute! And the hat too. I'm looking forward to seeing the shawl. Every once in awhile there is a project like that isn't there? Nothing seems to go right.
I had to go to the dentist last Friday for my annual check, Dennis went yesterday. We both had good checks which is always a relief. Especially since we lost our dental insurance when Dennis retired. I'm ready to get Medicare since my Obamacare isn't the greatest and is VERY expensive since I have the pacemaker. It pays nothing at all until I pay $9700.00 per calendar year. So all my RX's are out of pocket. It's a shocker because Dennis had pretty good insurance for the 30 years we were in Spokane.
Sorry, you probably didn't want to hear all of that.

karen said...

what a cute baby set!!! I read the first line as dying instead of drying...oh my!