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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Another Dishcloth and Some Flowers

This is another Rank and File dishcloth. The top picture is the right side and the second one is the back side. I think they are both interesting.

There are two violets blooming inside!

This plant is starting to bloom again. It's called Moses in the Boat.

This is the Crown of Thorns and for the first time it has quite a few blossoms.

And these two are both outside. The poppy is just about finished and the foxglove is just starting.

Hope you've had a nice weekend. We surely did; we celebrated two birthdays and Father's Day last night at a nice restaurant in Seattle.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Finished! Hurrah!

Well, it's finally done! It's the Twelve Birds Shawl and has been one of the most difficult things I've ever done for some reason. I am glad it's finished, and I can get back to some of my other projects.

For some reason this isn't a real sharp photo of these two trees.  The one on the left is a Golden Chain, and the other one is a Korean Dogwood.  And then there's the pine tree that's trying to cover them up! All three of these trees have grown a lot since they were planted a long time ago.


Happy Wednesday!



Monday, June 3, 2024

Baby Items Done!

Right now my Twelve Birds Shawl is drying,  and I  just finished stitching the stars on the Sneaker Booties. (Would you believe those stars just arrived today from Spain, thanks to Etsy?) The baby hasn't arrived yet, so the booties have been finished on time.

Here they are with the hat I recently finished. I think they look pretty good together.

This little fellow is supposed to arrive around June 10th, we'll see!  As for the shawl, I am so glad it's finished as it fought me all the way. I don't think I've ever made so many mistakes that had to be corrected ever before!  It made me kind of crazy, and I am glad it's done!  I will post the photo when it gets dry.

 Have a good week. I will be happy when it's Wednesday because tomorrow I have a dentist appt. and am not looking forward to that! 😒