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Thursday, January 25, 2024

The World's Biggest Socks?

 These crazy socks are finally finished! They are size 13, and I am sure glad I only had to knit one pair!! It's from a pattern I got long ago when I took a class on sock knitting. That particular yarn shop is long gone sadly.  There's not much else new to report except that the crazy amaryllis has four flowers, two of which are not open!

Here in the PNW, we are used to grey days and thankful for ones like today when it's not raining...yet. I got to take a walk without getting wet, hurrah!

Hope you all have a great day. I am homing in on the end of a sweater that I started a very long time ago. Surprisingly, it's the same exact color as the socks, a heathered gray, but a different brand! Is that weird or not?


Wanderingcatstudio said...

Looks like there's a lot of grey in your life right now!

It's been very grey this winter so far - it makes those rare sunny days even more special!

karen said...

my sister has to knit a 13 size for her husband whenever she knits him socks!! I am lucky that my husband is a size 10 easy peasy. It's been grey here as well.

Araignee said...

Whoa....those are some big socks! I made a lot of man socks this summer but nothing comes close to those.
It's gray and rainy here right now and I've got the doors and windows open at 8 am because it is so warm. I can hear the birds chirping. Last week snow, this week spring. crazy.

Tired Teacher said...

Great socks! I remember helping a friend knit socks for her husband - the 12” leg in 2x2 rib took forever.

Delighted Hands said...

Yeah, the guys in my family have large feet, too, so I know what you mean by *finally* finished!!!! They look great! Glad you got some fresh air without the rain!

Juliann in WA said...

Some days I feel like a stalker, watching out the window for that moment when it is dry enough to go for a walk.

straythreads said...

Hi thanks for all the nice comments. You have been busy fun to see all your knitting and amaryllis. My socks are just basic toe up socks the yarn is making them interesting and just doing the seed stitch on the red segments easy peasy. Have a nice weekend