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Saturday, October 21, 2023

We Are Back Home! And a Few Finishes

 If you have been wondering where I've been, it's because we were out of town. First we went to Palo Alto, CA, to see my husband's brother and wife and then headed south to see more family and friends. When we were in San Diego, we visited our old neighborhood and were delighted to discover that our neighbors on both sides were still there! (We left for Seattle in 1977.)  

Our first house

When we knocked on the door of this house, it was opened by Betty, our oldest daughter's friend who is now grown up and was visiting her mom. What a nice surprise that was!

Another great surprise was seeing the orange tree Dick planted back in the day.  It was still tiny when we moved, but now it has lots of oranges!

We spent a couple of days in Anaheim, too, and had a surprise there as well. We got to see the Disneyland fireworks from our hotel window!

And I've finished a few projects this month.  I made this hat for my friend who's having chemotherapy.

I finally finished two pairs of mitts that I started long ago. I want to make the first pair again in a solid color so the design will show better.  And the bottom pair was given to another friend who just got home from the hospital after 7 weeks! (This is just a pair of mitts that I added a cable to.)

Hope you are having a nice weekend. We are happy to be back home again!


Betsy said...

What a wonderful surprise to find your friends still there after so many years! And to get to visit your daughters friend too is really special. I wish going back to our first house was half as pleasant. Our first neighborhood has gone downhill quickly. We moved from there in 1986.
Beautiful hat and mitts. I'm sure that your friends appreciate the love you've shown them with your gifts.
Welcome Home!
Blessings and hugs,

Delighted Hands said...

A trip is always wonderful but it is just as wonderful to get home! Great travel knits!

Araignee said...

What a great trip! It's nice to walk down memory lane and visit the old neighborhood. I do it from time to time but everyone's gone now. Your projects are lovely. Those mitts really come in handy. I can't wait for it to be cool enough to get my woollies out again. It's still too warm here.

Dee said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip to CA. Dick's orange tree looks good and healthy.

The mitts for your friend look lovely. Seven weeks is a long time to be in the hospital. UGH! Glad your friend is back home. Hope they are doing well.

Welcome back home.

Tired Teacher said...

How fun that you visited your former neighborhood and friends and saw the growth of the orange tree.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

So cool to go back and check on the old house. I did something similar a few years ago - my old high school was closing for good and they did a farewell event.
My old house was just up the street so I took a little walk to check it out (we'd moved about 20 years before). There were some small changes to the neighbourhood - but 95% look just the same. The biggest thing I noticed it how small and closed in it felt. It was a lower income neighbourhood with the houses very close together (usually just a walkway width between them) and we had moved to a neighbourhood with much bigger lots (70 to 90 feet wide in most cases). I never felt hemmed in when I lived there, but after getting used to much bigger spaces, it really felt different going back!