I had to shorten the cuff because for the first time ever with this angora yarn I ran short.
We spent four days with Dick's brother and his wife. Our small abode is behind us with its great view of Silver Lake and not too far from Lake Tahoe.
Sunset on Silver Lake
Dick and Bob went on a 6 mile hike to Carson Pass.
I joined the two brothers for a "short" hike the next day. It involved lots of scrambling over huge rocks!
I was sure glad to get past this giant and back on a "real" trail!
Here's the only wildlife we encountered.
The lupine was pretty much past its prime on this trail, but we did see some other flowers.
Meanwhile, while we were gone, my older daughter sent me this photo of our oldest grand daughter who is learning to sew. Isn't her apron beautiful? I am very proud of her, too!