My Blog List

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Happy New Year!

 Where does the time go? The holidays are over, and I can finally share my finishes, but it's been almost a month since my last post. We had a quiet Christmas but not a quiet New Year. Our local neighborhood goes crazy shooting off fireworks, and this year the noise was louder than ever and went on for several hours. I am glad we don't have a dog! But, I sure can understand why everyone was glad to see 2020 go!  

Earlier this past week, we had a fun adventure. During December and January bald eagles gather in trees along the Skagit River which runs through the town of Rockport. The eagles like to feed on salmon that come down the river to spawn. Rockport's a couple hours' drive from here, but we decided to go see if we could find them. (The last time we made this drive in late February and were too late.  We saw only one eagle then and that was on the drive back home!)This time though we lucked out!  The birds are a little hard to see from a distance, but we must have seen at least ten.  Dick caught a few photos.

Boy, whatever they've done to Blogger sure has made things difficult! Sorry about all the white spaces!  So I will go on and try to post some of my finishes.  I made mittens for the Chicago grandkids,

and hats for the the local ones. 

The patterns are all on Ravelry:  mitten pattern, the pink hat ,  and the cat hat . ( I added the eyes and nose.)

Well, that's it for now.  I need to post more often before I forget all the tricks!  Right now I need to get back to my knitting.  A new baby arrived, and he needs a blanket!  Happy New Year! Take care all of you, and stay well.


Wanderingcatstudio said...

There were a lot more fireworks in our neighbourhood as well! So cool to see the Eagles!
Great knits, as always.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Fireworks here, too. It’s the first time I’ve heard it. Great photos of the eagles. I’m glad you were able to see them.

kathy b said...

Happy new Year JUDY! A new baby !!!! how wonderful. Mom my would say, there's nothing better than a new baby. Even when she was in the nursing home with dementia she loved to talk about babies, and had her "doll baby" that she took care of.
The cat hat is awesome.
Yes, yes we've missed yoU!!
Your Eagle trip is great. I once took the train from Glenview Illinois to Roseville Minnesota to see my sister in the dark of winter. As I returned home , the train ran during the day hours next to the Missisispit River and we say so many Eagles...I mean hundreds. The looked like pigeons after awhile. Oh ,another one , or three. I loved seeing them.
Missing my Zach terribly, but he is great at calling and face time. Allison too, is healthy and has made all kinds of knitting plans for 2021~ Im thrilled.
Happy New Year my dear friend

Betsy said...

You have definitely been missed around blogland. I like all of your projects. The hats and mittens will be sure to keep some little ones warm.
Neat photos of the eagles. We have seen quite a few the past two weeks two even though there's no salmon around here! There is a river though and maybe they're finding fish there.
Take care and come back soon.

Araignee said...

That kitty hat is just darling! Your pile of mittens is inspiring. I don't know how you get so much done. Araignee

Delighted Hands said...

Crazy hours of fireworks here, too! It had to be so cool to see so many bald eagles! The knitting projects are great--nice work!

Juliann said...

I have been seeing eagles down on the Sammamish trail. And mittens are on my new to try list for 2021

karen said...

Happy New Year! we used to see bald eagles all the time when we lived in the Upper Peninsula of MI. Your knitting is prolific and beautiful :)

Susan said...

That cat hat is particularly cute. I loved seeing the eagles. Are the trees green???