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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fun and Long Weekend!

Hi Everyone!  Hope you had as great holiday weekend as we did. On Friday we drove up to Anacortes to see some longtime friends. After lunch we drove up a scenic road to the Cap Sante Park. By then the rain had stopped, and we had a great view of the city and its port.

Nancy (left) and I taught together years ago and have stayed in touch over the years through thick and thin. Her sister Susan lives on San Juan Island and recently lost her husband to Alzheimer's Disease.

We aso visited Ana-Cross Stitch, a fun needlecraft shop where this guy was sitting outside. (Don't worry, it isn't Dick!)

Of course, I bought some yarn and also finished a project.

Hope to finish this baby hat this week. The yarn is a cotton and wool mix.

The stitch on the cowl is called bamboo stitch. It's easy and looks nice on both sides!

No weekend at home is complete without seeing Max and Stella!  Max and I love to read together.

Miss Stella is quite adept with her feet!  She's nine months old now and will soon be crawling. She's already been into Max's toys, so the next few weeks should be very interesting.

While we were gone to MN, the garden kept growing, only to be outpaced by the weeds.  Even this pretty columbine has gone crazy and is everywhere.  It's not a weed by any means but does need to be reined in a bit.  And then there's the buttercup!  Yikes! It has to be one of the most tenacious weeds ever, that and bindweed.  Yep, the garden is a-calling....loudly these days.  See ya!


Cranberry Morning said...

Sweet grands pics, Judy! And how I love that bamboo stitch. Wow!

Anonymous said...

You can surely tell that Max and Stella are siblings. She is starting to look so much like him.

Lapplisor said...

Dear Judy
For a long time I have not been here
that I first would like to congratulate the "Fifth(?)" grandchild you.
So cute is she!
it's magical to see her grow and develop...
It's so nice to see you with your grandchildren!
You show such wonderful pictures of your travels, and you can finish great projects.
The Sun bonet quilt I like too much!
Cool is the image before Yarn shop - what is the idea ... :-)

I want to thank you for your kind visits to my blog,
and I hope that I will soon be here again now.

Take care

Meredith said...

So glad you had a lovely visit with your friends. Very cute pictures of the grandkids.

Janet said...

You had a busy weekend, Judy. Love the pretty blue yarns you're using. Great photos of the grandkids.

Nancy said...

Sweet photos of Max and Stella!

I've never seen a double Columbine flower - it's beautiful.

kathy b said...

So cute. THose grands are adorable!!!

karen said...

you are quite busy these days!! love the photos of the grands, and how nice to have a friend through the years that you can still get together with :)

Becca said...

Hi Judy! I'm glad you guys had a nice visit in Anacortes. I'd like to go back that way soon.
I love the "husband" waiting outside the yarn shop. Huh…makes me think about this past weekend, I ask Russell if he wanted to go to Michael's with me to look at the yarn, and he just laughed. :-) I don't see what's so funny about that, do you?

Caffeine Girl said...

Max and Stella do indeed look like sibs! I'm not jonesing for grandchildren (at least not yet) but I do love reading to small children.

Thanks for the skeleton photo. Very clever!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Cute display at the yarn shop! Glad it wasn't your DH :-) Stella looks SO much like Max, doesn't she?

Teresa in Music City said...

What a fun weekend you had - oh my!!! And the views - wow! Time with old friends and new grandbabies - couldn't have been better :) Love that bamboo stitch - very nice!!!