To practice each week's stitch, I found a piece of evenweave fabric in my stash and created a sampler or "doodle cloth" as Debra would say. This verse seemed like an appropriate reminder and can be found at
about.com as part of a free band sampler pattern by Connie G. Barwick. As I was stitching it, I noticed Dick had stuck a post-it onto the pattern before the word "and" with "temper" written on it. He knows me too well! I'm trying to sort my colors by the ROYGBIV instructions for the TAST Beginners but am perplexed as to where purplely red and brown/tan would fit in. Any suggestions? Also, I am wondering whether anyone has suggestions on how to keep a detached chain stitch/lazy daisy stitch open; mine invariably collapse as you can maybe see where I tried to nail down the fly stitch with a detached chain. To me, the counted fabric is a bit inhibiting, and you can see where my stitching rebeled and started downhill. (These old eyeballs ain't what they used to be, that's for sure!) If you're curious to see how I used the fly stitch on my "real" TAST project, check out the
Tuesday Stitchers' blog. You'll find lots of pretty stitching there.

Meanwhile, life goes on. Max is settling in at home and keeping Mom and Dad on their toes, and Ginger is hoping we won't return these car seats.

And this Oma's just plain happy everything went well.
Max looks very handsome in his hand-knitted hat...and content in his oma's arms :)
Beautiful! What a beautiful baby, I forgot how they look all swaddled up, awwww. Congratulations!
Max is a little angel!! And, his Oma's love is shining through! Beautiful! blessings ~ tanna
Re: keeping lazy daisy stitch open and rounded-- In my experience, it is a proportional thing: the thinner the thread, the shorter the span has to be. If you try to make a long daisy stitch, it will get all flat and closed and just look like one long running stitch, but if you use the same thread and make the daisy stitch shorter, it will be more open. Or if you make the same length of daisy petal but use a thicker thread it will be more open. The stiffness of the thread matters too. A very relaxed thread will require a very short petal length to stay open, while a stiffer thread that doesn't want to curve easily will keep an open curve at the top even in a longer span.
Great start to your Sunbonnet Sue blocks!
*sigh You look beautiful with your new Max accessory...Forget about the car seats, I think I wouldn't want to give him back...
Such a perfectly precious face! Were you giving him his auntie squeezes in the second photo? :-) Yes, keep the seats, and keep on stitching! What fun.
Hi Judy, your Max is a lovely fellow! I know how your heart must be filled with so much love for this new member of your family. He looks really good there in your arms! I need to sit down and stitch my fly stitch this afternoon as time is running out!
I'd say on the stitch, don't pull too tightly. I've made a lot of long ones that looked okay by not pulling tight, and leaving a little (VERY little) extra thread in the loop instead of snugging it down. Play around with it.
I love your doodle cloth, and your husband's comment reminded me so much of Paul! LOL Good going. You are a nice match. =) Are you going to add the word temper?
Oh what fun to hold a tiny baby. I love the way they squeak.
I love Max's little cap!
Babies are sooo sweet!
(Love the temper comment too!!)
Oh Max is so beautiful and looks so peaceful. Congrats to Mum and Dad and to everyone. Your sampler sounds like a wonderful idea....I will be keen to watch it grow.
WHat an adorable post!!!!!
Please send me your mailing address so I can set up your swap partner for the Dragon Swap! Harpnut@gmail.com Thanks Kathy b
Such happiness in that picture of you and baby. What fun to have them close enough to cuddle!
What a sweet baby! Congratulations to the family.
So you are a grandma again Judy! I've been missing so long, I didn't know. The photo of the two of you is delightful - Max is a beautiful baby. I checked out your TAST piece....the brim on that bonnet is very effective!
Welcome Max! Congratulations gramma!
Great lettering on your sample piece Judy... I love being part of the Tues Group with you!
and more than anything, congratulations on Baby Max! He is so handsome... the love on your face is priceless Oma! Have a great New Year!
Aw, such a sweet photo with "Oma"
Max is so sweet!! Pure love!! I think it's so funny how cats always find the baby things and want them...ours were like that when the boys were babies...they loved being near their stuff...maybe the scent and softmess of everything! Ginger looks happy in the car seat!!Enjoy your stitching!!
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