It's been quite a long time since I posted anything, but we've been busy taking long walks, working in our yard, and keeping up with our family. In early August we had our first family gathering since 2019. Despite the hazy skies from smoke, we had a really nice time. It was fun seeing the cousins together also. All of them sure have grown in the past 2 years!
We've taken lots of walks nearby and in the mountains. And we've also seen lots of animals, including a cougar on a trail near home! (We were too surprised to get a photo of that!)
In August I only finished 3 dishcloths, but this month I've been more productive: 2 prayer shawls for 2 friends with health challenges and a pair of booties for a choir friend's grand baby.
So, that's what I've been up to lately. Now that our rainy weather seems to be back, I hope to post more frequently.