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Friday, March 14, 2025

A Sparkly Hat

 Yesterday I finished another Barley hat; the medium size turned out a bit large. I love this yarn and hope I have enough left to make a small size.

Happy Friday!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Three Finishes and a Nice Trip

I recently made 3 hats for our neighbor.  This one was for Mama.

This one was for the toddler named Gracie, and the last one was for the big sister, Olivia. The pattern is Barley and I used a worsted yarn plus some mohair.

Last weekend we decided to go to one of our favorite place, Cannon Beach, Oregon, because the weather was supposed to be nice. Enroute we got a great photo of one of our most famous mountains.  Can you guess what it is?

The weather on the way there the sun was out, but when we arrived, it was really foggy, so foggy that we couldn't even see any of the famous offshore rocks.  Eventually the weather cleared up just enough that we could see Haystack Rock and the other ones just a little bit.

We also discovered what happens when there is a high tide.  The walking trail down to the beach was totally closed! I am sure you can see why.  There are also steps that were open thankfully.

Then just before we left for home the weather cleared up a bit, and you can see that the tide was lower so people were able to walk on the beach.

On the way home the weather was very nice, and we were able to get this photo of Mount Rainier.  Kind-a snowy, isn't it?

I am working on several knitting projects now, but haven't finished any of them. Wish me luck!

Enjoy what's left of the weekend!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Two Finishes and a Little News

We recently learned the new baby's name; it's Cormac. Since babies grow quickly I decided to make him a new hat and a pair of booties. These patterns I've had for a long time. The hat though I'd not done it before. The hat is a quick knit, but the booties are pretty fussy. I have made that pattern quite a few times, but not recently since no relatives or neighbors have had any babies lately.


We've had some sad news recently. Our daughter's father-in-law, who was doing pretty well after his first stroke a few years ago, fell outside and hurt his head which caused another stroke. He's not doing very well right now, so prayers for him would be appreciated. His name is Montsic. He came to the US many years ago from Armenia. 


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Good News! And a Bit of Nature

Hurrah! The baby hat fits!! His dad took him for a walk, and stopped by on his way home to show us. No photo, but he's sure a cutie.

Yesterday on my walk I saw this deer in someone's yard. I think it was enjoying lunch.

This photo is way better than the one I took this afternoon.  I think it's a Golden-crowned Kinglet, but it may be a different version of the Ruby-crowned one I saw earlier.

Dick caught this Varied Thrush in our backyard this afternoon. They only visit at this time of year, and we are happy to see them.

Happy Valentine's Day a bit early!


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Finish and a Beautiful Moon

This is what we saw early this morning, isn't it pretty? It's called the Snow moon and supposed to be visible for another night.  I wonder if you can see it where you live?

We just learned that the little girl we watched grow up has moved back in our neighborhood with her husband and a sweet baby boy!  I sure hope this fits since it's chilly and snowy here. Now back to work on another sock!

Have a great day!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Another Snowy Day!

 Here's what we woke up to today! The schools opened two hours later than usual, and our street which goes way uphill is still covered. It's supposed to get colder and snow some more tonight. We'll see! Have a nice day.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Finish and Some Snow!

I just finished this pair of shorties with this pattern. I guess warmer socks are called for today!

A few minutes ago, this is what it looked like at our house, and now it's stopped and starting to melt!

Have a nice weekend!